Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Reader Response Discussion 10

Reader Response Discussion 10

Q Reader Response Discussion Ten Due date: Initial post by Sunday mid-night. (no need to respond to classmates). Every week you will be asked to discuss what you have read. Here are the criteria: Minimum 450-500 words (for the initial post and 200 for each response), use the same terminology found in the textbooks, answer the prompts below, and respond to at least two classmates' posts. Make sure all your posts are free of grammatical and spelling errors. (There is an example of a discussion posting under "Course Documents"). For this week, review a multimodal product/ tool on your topic: You may search online, Google, UTEP Library Databases, TED Talks, Podcasts, Videos, etc... After you find a multimodal product / tool, write a short response to the following things: Was the multimodal product/ tool effective in conveying its message? How so? Would you consider using this type of multimodal product/ tool when creating your own multimodal product/ tool ? What was your favorite part of the multimodal product/ tool ? Least favorite? Include the link to the multimodal product/ tool in the post.

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The multimodal product or tool, which I have chosen is video presentation. The topic of study in this video presentation. The subject of study, however focuses on highlighting changes within institution of marriage in contemporary society. The chosen multimedia product here talks about cultural clashes which cast a deep impact on marriage and marital relationships. However, it could also be stated that, the concerned multimedia product has also become immensely successful in highlighting the cultural changes, which has been brought within the society. This video has also highlighted about the several differences among the bride and groom, which remains there because of the differences in their social belongingness and other cultural differences. I also believe that as this whole research has been based on community people, with the help of this video multimedia project, it would also be possible to impart significant awareness and knowledge to the community people